Friday, October 8, 2010

Letters from Pantyhose Man

Remember Pantyhose Man? (If not, it is in my March archives)
He was one of my Toulouse yoga students who came to class wearing pantyhose and sexy negligées. He also had shaved private parts he indiscreetly showed us in gracious positions like lotus and down dog.

He wants to do yoga with me again. Yes, it’s true. He sent me an email the other day. Here is what he said:

Bonjour Sunnylife,
J’espère que tu vas bien; je veux reprendre les cours de yoga; dis-moi si tu es d'accord, et à quelles conditions. Je ne sais pas si tu te
souviens de moi, je pratiquais en collants et nuisette. Bonne soirée, à bientôt. Cordialement, Didier.

Hello, Sunnylife.
I hope you are doing well. I want to take yoga classes again; tell me if you are okay with this and under what conditions. I don’t know if you remember me, I practiced in pantyhose and negligées.

Good evening and see you soon.


Here was what I wrote back:
Hello, Didier.
Thank you for your interest in yoga. Yes, I remember you and your pantyhose.

Unfortunately, I am no longer in Toulouse so if you want to continue yoga, you will need to find another yoga studio.

Good luck.

Should I have written more...less? Should I have ignored his email? Should I have tried to get to the bottom of it all? I mean, I am in Marseille now, so I'm "safe" in a way.

Should I be happy he liked my yoga class and wants to come again and is willing to change (in more ways then one)? Or was he merely trying to provoke a response for his prior behavior? Was he seeking closure since we never addressed the issue?

By letting him know I remembered him and his pantyhose but not sharing an opinion, I clearly did not enter any game he had in mind, if in fact he was looking for some reaction. Am I the only person who never reacted? Have others kicked him out straight away and told him to never come back? Or, was my yoga class the first place he attempted this? And if it was his first time bearing his naked bits to a full class, is he still confused why it never solicited any remarks? Is he re-questioning how to get attention? I just do not know.

What do you make of all this?

1 comment:

French Cannes Cannes said...

Pantyhose man scares me! CREEPER!!!!!!